To Buy or Not to buy a Car?
Posted On Tuesday, March 4, 2008 at at 9:17 AM by Finance AnalysisTha latest news in the almost never-ending series on "inflationary" price increases includes new adjusted pump prices from Caltex for all three classes of petrol. Regular 95 now costs S$2.046 per litre, Regular 98 at S$2.12 and Premium 98 at S$2.286 per litre. As Singaporeans may know by now, there is a worldwide commodities "boom" which had led to prices of everything from steel, oil, pork and flour rising quite a bit. This has inadvertently resulted in an inflation rate of 6.6% which was recently reported in the news. Yet, when I recently passed by a car road show at
Anyhow, let me break down the numbers according to BT and comment on them. According to the article, if you spend S$50K on a car with a 70% loan at 3% p.a interest for 7 years, then you will end up paying close to S$130K after 10 years. The breakdown is as follows:-
Cost of Car including COE - S$50K
Car Loan (70% of purchase price at 3% p.a. for 7 years) - S$7,350
Insurance (S$1,500 per year for 10 years) - S$15K
Road Tax (S$500 per yearfor 10 years) - S$5K
Parking Charges for Home and Office (S$250 per month x 12 x 10 years) - S$30K ERP Charges (S$3 per day x 240 working days x 10 years) - S$7.2K
Petrol Costs (S$200 per month x 12 x 10 years) - S$12K
Maintenance and Repairs (S$300 per annum x 10 years) - S$3K
The rest of the assumptions are for fines and accidents, which I assume one should and would not incur unless one was driving recklesly, or drink driving ! The BT article totals up the figures to give an approximate S$132,550, which boils down to about S$1,105 per month. If you take into account the "additional" potential extra costs, the cost per month is about S$1,360. Thus, for a person who takes home about S$3K (median income level per individual), this makes owning a car very challenging indeed !
To end off, all I can say is that if one forgoes a car, he can hope to achieve financial freedom sooner. But the material comforts and convenience of a car cannot be under-stated, and those who seek this or who require a car because of an infirmed member of the family or young children should ensure they work out the numbers as I had, to see if they have sufficient funds to sustain a car. As I always say, it's easy to own a car, but darn hard to maintain one !
(Click here for full article)